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CTE 125 LECTURE NOTES LECTURER-IN-CHARGE: MR. ABDULHAMEED IDRIS (GMCPN, MSC) DEPT. OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY, THE POLYTECHNIC IBADAN MAY 18 TH 2017 WEEK ONE (ONE HOUR) TOPIC: Identifying the various tools and equipment in computer repair laboratory Objective: At the end of this class students should be able to: Know the various tools in the computer repair laboratory (CRL) Know the Know the various equipment in the CRL Use various tools and equipment in the CRL Know what safe working conditions and procedures are Know the procedures helping one to protect equipment and data Know the procedures which helps to properly dispose of hazardous computer components and related material Know the tools and software used with personal computer components and what is their purpose Know what proper tool use is Recommended books: 1. I...
CTE 125a: ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS INSTRUCTION: SUBMIT ON OR BEFORE THURSDAY, 7TH NOV 2019 AT 12NOON Question one a. Explain computer workshop practice b. Write short notes on: i. Various tools in the computer workshop ii. HDMI cable iii. VGA cable iv. Parallel and serial ports Question two a. Explain the following terms: i. ROM ii. D-SDRAM iii. DDR-SDRAM iv. Mbps v. Gbps vi. Bandwidth b. State three safety precautions in computer workshop Question three a. State the purpose of heat sink installation on the processor b. Which short note on the class of fire extinguisher to extinguish electrical equipment fires c. Explain the term ‘electrostatic discharge’. State two ways to mitigate it. d. Discuss the application of the following in a computer workshop: i. Compressed air ii. Rubbing alcohol iii. Surge protector iv. Soft cloth Question four a. Discuss AT and ...
TOPIC: Identifying the various tools and equipment in computer repair laboratory Objective: At the end of this class students should be able to know: · Use various tools and equipment in the Computer workshop · What safety working conditions and procedures are What safety gadgets are The different safety equipment in the workshop Identify some components of the laptop Recommended books: 1. IT Essentials (2013) Cisco Networking Academy, 5th Edition http://www.ciscopress.com/store/it-essentials-9781587133084?w_ptgrevartcl=IT+Essentials%3a+Computer+Lab+Procedures+and+Tool+Use_2086239 2. ILO (2017) Safety-Health and Working Conditions – Retrieved from http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/@ed_protect/@protrav/@safework/documents/instructionalmaterial/wcms_175900.pdf 3. ...
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