First-aid-box and components of the box - Week Four
TOPIC: The concept of
First Aid Box
Objective: At the end of this class students
should be able to know:
The definition
of first-aid-box
The identification of some components of the
Recommended book:
ILO (2017)
Safety-Health and Working Conditions – Retrieved from
4.1 General Introduction
In the last class, you learnt about the basics
of safety and why it is paramount to be safety-conscious in the laboratory. The
first-aid-box is a rectangular object which contain. In every laboratory, there
is need to have a first-aid-box. Likewise, you were given an assignment on the
types of maintenance.
4.1.1 First aid
aid equipment and material should be readily available for treating industrial
injuries or sickness at all workplaces. Such equipment includes a first aid kit
and a stretcher with blankets. A person with first aid training should always
be on the premises.
the event of an accident, you should act in the following way:
prevent more people from being injured
call the instructor or supervisor, or the person responsible for
first aid treatment. Call an ambulance if necessary.
aid the injured person.
the case of a serious accident, you should observe the following procedures in
giving first aid to an injured person:
task of the workplace “first aider” is to attend to the victim of an accident,
or to help when someone suddenly falls ill. Action taken in the first minutes
is often crucial when saving life and limiting the extent of the injury.
Everybody at the workplace must know who the trained first aiders are and where
they can be found. He/she is also responsible for making sure that the first
aid box is complete and contains the right equipment.
1. Check breathing
Check quickly that air is passing in and out through the nose or
mouth of the injured person. If a person is unconscious and lying on his back,
he can suffocate because the tongue can slip back into the throat and block the
respiratory tract (ILO, 2017)
2. Respiratory failure – artificial respiration
the person has simply collapsed, support the back of the neck with one hand,
and place the other hand on the forehead. Bend the injured person’s head as far
back as you can. Pinch his (her) nose and start blowing air in through his
(her) mouth.
3. Stemming heavy bleeding
If the injured person is bleeding, try to stop the
bleeding by using direct pressure on the wound and by placing the
injured limb in a raised position. In most cases this is all that is required
to stem the flow of blood. The injured
person should lie with his/her feet up, except in cases of head or chest injury
or difficulty in breathing.
4. Preventing shock
In the case of serious accidents, e.g. deep wounds accompanied by
heavy loss of blood, bad jamming accidents, injuries to the chest or stomach
leading to internal bleeding and severe burns, etc., there is always a high
risk that the injury will lead to shock. Severe accident shock can be fatal. But it can
also be prevented!
First check that the victim is breathing without help. Next,
prevent shock by laying the injured person face down on one side. Loosen any
tight clothing. Place a blanket under the injured person and cover him/her up.
Protect the injured person from direct sunlight. Do not give him/ her anything
to drink unless on a doctor’s orders. Moisten the injured person’s lips and
tongue if asked to.
Examples of measures to prevent shock:
free respiration: always place an unconscious person on
his/her side in a slightly forward leaning position. Care should be taken to
protect an injured neck.
stop bleeding: direct pressure on the wound with the
injured limb in a raised position.
rest: the injured person should lie with the feet and legs
raised above the level of the head. Warmth helps, so cover him with a blanket.
It is important to maintain body temperature.
5. Wounds, cuts, abrasions
The most common injury resulting from an accident is a cut or
abrasion. If cuts and abrasions are superficial, first stem the bleeding then
clean them carefully and thoroughly with soap and water. After cleaning, cover
them with a bandage.
6. Burns
If a person’s clothing has caught fire, the best way of quenching
the flame is to roll the person on the floor or in a blanket. After
extinguishing the flames make sure the person is breathing, cool the burn with
water, cover the burn, and make sure that the victim gets to a hospital as
quickly as possible.
7. Injuries from working with corrosives
If anyone spills acid or alkali on the skin, you should rinse it
off as quickly as possible with water unless otherwise indicated. The injuries
should then be treated in the same way as burns. Injuries from corrosive
liquids are often much worse than they appear. For this reason the injuries, no
matter how insignificant they may appear, should be treated by a doctor.
Eye injuries
greatest possible care should be taken in the case of injuries to the eye or
the area surrounding it.
“Dirt in the eye” is one of the most common eye complaints.
Injuries from electricity
shocks affects the heart and can rapidly be fatal. Additional injuries could
occur if the victim, when shocked, should fall from a scaffolding, ladder or
any elevated place. If the injured
person is still touching an electric device, the current should be cut off
immediately by switching it off at the source. If the current cannot be cut
off, use something that is long, dry, clean, and non-conductive to move the
person away from the source or the source away from the person.
Broken limbs, sprains, dislocations
cases where a fractured limb is suspected, the injured person should have his
limb immobilised to prevent the break from getting worse and to alleviate the pain.
Use a splint, a couple of sticks or even a rolled up newspaper, place the
support on the outside of the clothing and secure it with a bandage. The splint
or support should be long enough to cover the joints above and below the break
in the bone. To avoid unnecessary pressure on the break, wadding can be
inserted between the splint and the limb.
When there is an open wound on the broken limb, use a dressing to
cover the wound before applying the splint.
Injuries to the skull and spine
to the skull can lead to unconsciousness (concussion) and spine injury.
the person is breathing and conscious, do not allow him to move unless he needs
to more to clear his air passages. In that case, taking care not to injure the
spine, place him slightly on his/her side with the face down. In this position
you can prevent blood running into the respiratory tract from any wounds in the
mouth or throat. Never put wads in the nose of the injured person to prevent
bleeding. When blood is running out of the ears, do not try to rinse it away.
If an injured person has lost consciousness and is lying with his/her jaws
locked tightly together, do not try to force them open.
try to give an unconscious person something to drink; it can run into the
respiratory tract and lungs and cause suffocation. When you suspect a break in the spine or
pelvis, the injured person should only be moved by trained personnel. NB:
In the case of a broken arm or leg, do not make the injury worse by trying to
straighten the broken limb. This picture shows a suitable way of moving a
person with a broken leg. The leg is supported with rolled-up blankets on both
sides to minimize movement at the break. All workplaces and companies must have
plans and organization for rapid transportation to a suitable hospital and
treatment of all injuries that are likely to occur.
Injuries to the stomach
an injury to the stomach is caused by a blow, being run over, or something
falling on the person, etc., he or she should be taken to a hospital
Do not give the injured person anything to eat or drink.
Open wounds should be covered with a clean, wet bandage. Care must
be taken in transporting the injured person to the hospital.
Lifting a person
the injured person has to be carried to a
place while waiting for an ambulance, the most comfortable way of lifting him
(her) is by using a stretcher or a big blanket.
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