Tertiary Institution Students and Indiscipline in Class - Abdulhameed Idris A.
Just like any fresh day, Idris was in class on 25th May 017. Being the second week of work at the 2016/2017 session, the spirit to learn is gathering momentum. The class being held at the FLT The Polytechnic Ibadan, Nigeria. The session began at 1.10pm (1310hrs) EST. The floor was noted with student in hearty mood and despite the cold weather, the lecturer was in class to make up for the last week's class. Though the class was interactive, some students were not present. While the lecture lasted for 1 hour, attendance register was taken and in all, we had over hundred candidates in attendance. To know more, please see these symbols →↱↙ 1. Henceforth, students should not disturb the class; for whoever is caught will be sent out of same. 2. That, being a "safety course", they need to be safety conscious.... 3. At the end of the class, attendance must be taken and recorded... Recommendation: 1. There should be strict measure against indiscipline in the lecture...